Self love is the magic key to finding happiness. When we love and take care of ourselves it unlocks our hearts and allows our inner lights to shine. With self love comes confidence, which results in us "feeling good" and when we feel good we look great. All of the other area's of our life fall into place when we are mindful of what we need to be happy. After all how can we love anyone else without first loving ourselves? Ultimately, we all want to have dream careers, healthy relationships, and lives! I have learned that #selflove is the root in which it all begins. Sharing a few reminders as its easy to loose site of whats important with our busy schedules.
Confidence- Its easy to compare ourselves to others, how they look, what they have etc... When we wear confidence as our outfit we can literally put on anything and rock it!!! Having security in the unique way God made you gives us the strength to literally conquer the world. No matter what our shape or size may be. We are all beautiful with special gifts and talents!!!
Spend time alone- Love being in your own company! The more time you spend with yourself the more you will learn about what you don't like.
Personal growth- Is imperative... we are meant to be challenged, continue growing, and learning to be better versions of ourselves no matter how old we are. When we aren't pursuing things that inspire us we become bored and stagnate. Use past experiences both good and bad to learn from. Change what you don't like and use it as fuel to create the life you dream of.:) Get excited about your future anything is possible!
Dream. Believe. Achieve.
Set boundaries- We all have different guidelines on how we want to be treated. Having a good understanding of your own boundaries will help protect and keep you happy in difficult situations.
Photography by- Harana Zhang
Balance- when we give to much of ourselves to a career, relationship, etc, it's easy to loose sight of whats important to us. Having a healthy balance helps us to stay focused on what makes us happy! Also, surrounding yourself with people who are positive, inspiring, and uplifting will help you be the best you can be!
Gotta take care of yourself first! If we are empty we have nothing left to give to anyone else. Hope some of these ideas are helpful. Please subscribe, comment below on how you care for yourself, and other topics you guys would like to read about.:)
For Love and Lemons